Saturday, July 13, 2013

Sports Summer Camp at IISJ !

Pratice soccer everyday during this summer and get better and stronger!

Mr. Craig and me (Mr.Martin) will be hosting IISJ's annual summer sports camp for students of Grade 4 onwards. (Grade 3 Soccer Club members are also welcome) The camp will officially start on July 16th and last until August 16th. The camp will be held everyday from 9 A.M. to 12 A.M. We encourage students to come out and enjoy soccer, basketball, table tennis, dodgeball...etc. Each day will present its own challenges and rewards. In addition to playing sports, we will sometimes watch movies that are appropriate for all students. For one week each student will pay a fee of ¥5000. This fee will be paid everyweek on monday to Mr. Martin or Mr. Craig upon students arrival to school.
We look forward to seeing you this summer and enjoying another fun summer sports camp.

For any questions please contact Mr.Craig(090-8081-5126) or Mr.Martin (090-9974-7912)

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